Lewis Frumkes
American educator, humorist and writer

About Lewis Frumkes
In the old pre-website days you could find Lewis Burke Frumkes between Fruit and Frustration in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. But Lewis has grown some and now as you meet his cyberself you may be surprised to find that he is the author of seven books most notably “How To Raise Your I.Q. By Eating Gifted Children,” “Metapunctuation,” “The Logophile’s Orgy,” and “Manhattan Cocktail; the host of the LEWIS BURKE FRUMKES SHOW on WPAT-AM in New York where each Sunday at 8PM he interviews important people in the arts and sciences; on the Board of Editors of The Writer Magazine, the oldest writing magazine in the United States; and the Director of Hunter College’s Writing Center.
When not involved in these activities or eating dim sum and playing chess in Chinatown, you may find Lewis on the Program’s Committee of the Harvard Club of New York; as the creator of a distinguished philosophy lecture at New York University bearing his name; speaking at various theatres of intelligence such as the Colony Club, The Harvard Club, the Yale Club, and Sarah Lawrence College about writing, publishing, cosmology, or humor: anthologized in dozens of books and journals of opinion; or popping up for sundry other reasons on Page Six of the New York Post. Lewis may have grown older, but he has also grown less serious. When asked not long ago what more he hoped to achieve in life, Lewis replied with appropriate gravitas that if he could help make the world a funnier planet that would please him immensely.