Brian Shields Interview


Get to know Brian Shields, a talented and charming young man who has written a New York Times best-seller in the form of an Encyclopedia of The World Wide Wrestling Federation. Were you ever curious about how just old Hulk Hogan really is, or how tall? Or who in real-life is the most intimidating physical specimen of all the fabulous professional wrestling chracters? Shields answers these and a thousand other questions you’ve always had about your favorite television warriors. And what about Vince McMahon? Is he truly a business genius and a billionaire? Find out in our interview or read Brian’s book.


Lewis Frumkes

Lewis Frumkes is an American educator, humorist and writer. He was born in Brooklyn, New York and attended a number of institutions such as New York University, Trinity College, Columbia University, and Pace University. He earned his B.A. and master's degree in English and philosophy from New York University.