Frank Wilczeck Interview


Frank Wilczeck won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2004 for work he had done on asymptotic freedom with the strong force. He was also one of the discoverers of electrochromodynamics, and anyons. The prize was awarded for work Wilczeck had done when he was 21 years old at Princeton. I spent some time with Frank talking about all the things on my mind about cosmology and origins, and Frank patiently answered me with thoughtful and articulate responses. He is bright and one of the few physicists who also has the talent to translate arcane mathematical equations and physics into language an intelligent lay person can understand. Please join us for this show. . . I think you will enjoy it.


Lewis Frumkes

Lewis Frumkes is an American educator, humorist and writer. He was born in Brooklyn, New York and attended a number of institutions such as New York University, Trinity College, Columbia University, and Pace University. He earned his B.A. and master's degree in English and philosophy from New York University.