Lawrence Block Interview


Lawrence Block, one of our greatest mystery writers, visits me to talk about his memoir, “Step By Step.” During the course of our interview in which Larry talks about his life of race-walking and having travelled to some 140 countries, he drops a startling revelation. He may have written his last novel. Is this true? I ask Larry, to which he responds that Matthew Scudder, Bernie Rhodenbar, and Keller his three novelist heroes may have reached a certain point of equilibrium where Larry himself could just walk away and be happy never writing another novel. Will he do it? Tune in and find out.


Lewis Frumkes

Lewis Frumkes is an American educator, humorist and writer. He was born in Brooklyn, New York and attended a number of institutions such as New York University, Trinity College, Columbia University, and Pace University. He earned his B.A. and master's degree in English and philosophy from New York University.